Pension Calculator.


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Use our simple pension calculator to estimate what your yearly pension may be when you retire. Estimate the tax free sum you can withdraw form your pension when aged 55, the impact on your remaining pension fund and when your pension fund will be depleted. The App was primarily designed as a pension drawdown calculator but can be used equally well to give an overall view of what your retirement income may be Input your age, the current size of your fund, retirement age and contributions and the App will calculate your retirement fund. Input how much you would like to take as a tax free sum and how much pension you will take per annum and the pension drawdown calculator will show when your fund will be depleted.
Will your pension fund cover the type of retirement you had hoped for? What action can you take now to improve your retirement income? Use the free pension calculator App to assess your options.
Not satisfied with the result? Then scroll back to the appropriate screen, make changes to your contributions, your tax free sum or your pension drawdown income and let the Pension Calculator App crunch the numbers.
The Pension Review Service - Independent Financial Advisers who just happen to be very good at Pensions. We specialise in Pension Drawdown, Final salary pension transfer and frozen pension release. We are authorised and regulated by the FCA and operate UK wide.